David Chorlton

Paintings In Costa Rica Photographs from the Southwest Chronicles: Poems from Arizona History Birds around the house Nora, Ernesto and Miss Petunia Earthbones- paintings into poems Poem and pictures on Ajo Roadrunner Meditations Midsummer Journal

Here is a mixed bag of poems, paintings, and photographs of favourite places and creatures, wild and not-so-wild. 


Contact: DavidChorlton@centurylink.net


The bats came from Madera Canyon and Paradise in the Chiricahas, where the rattlesnake and hummingbird spent time too. Also featured are Nora, Amadeus, and Sassi, as well as Samantha waking up. The Elegant trogon was in Cave Creek Canyon, the Cardinal at Boyce Thompson Arbaretum, and the wolf at the Southwest Wildlife facility.