Sky rotating, gullies still, cloud east,
cloud west, and questions
chasing quail
too quick to answer them.
Two storms for the price of one
back in the supermarket world,
the one that knows our names. Another few steps
between thorns and the twisted
trees in the arroyo. A tight space.
No reason to be here. And none
to turn back. The moment
in a dream that won’t explain itself. Desert’s
broken parts.
Time to turn pockets out,
count peace and small change while the sun shines.
The high ground doesn’t lend
and the low ground doesn’t borrow.
The mountain once
was married
to the moon, harbored nightly
mysteries until
the hour of sunlight for the taking
in a debt-free sky.
Seen from where the trail begins
losing its grip on the earth
the distant four peaks whiten
in a borrowed frost from winter. A chill
from the sun
touches down between the mesquite
chosen for a nest
and a saguaro hollowed to
its determined stand against drought.
A gentle rise in elevation,
on the smooth stones, a scramble
up the slope and then
body changes places with the soul, or so
the romantics would have it,
but here
is where coyotes turn
their daytime dreams to water
and run
faster than the latest legislation
can ever escape good judgment.
The ridgeline wanders off into another day.
Loses hold on what has gone before.
Tethered to darkness
it listens
for the owl calling
to soften the severity
of laws
and to summon
some compassion from arroyos.